Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Stuck in Thoughts

What is the first thought that strikes on your mind when

1) your phone rings and its an unknown number... talking about mine

“Who can it be??…old friend(Girl) , a friend's new number may be playing , may be the friend’s new number I haven’t stored yet………?????????????”

And the excitement ends at pressing the green button(I slide my figure on green nokia 5233) 
“@$#@$, Docomo again”

2) When a couple hold hands or kiss...

“There is something that I seriously need to improve may be my thinking, attitude, Style, Physique…….and last thing; why should I change??”

3) When message comes “Bye gn tc sd :-)

“Definitely, he/she(30:70) want to get rid of me. What should I do………and then”

Message sent
“Bye gn sd”(not in a condition to send a smiley)

4)When I regret making a decision

“I always waste my time to impress someone, and always get stuck.. god please give me a key to rewind my life”

And Some Random Thoughts

How numbers 1010 directly play the movie?
Likes and Comments are really important.....!!!
Who invented language?
How to lose some kgs?

And last one "Do readers really like my article?"

Thursday, August 25, 2011